Friday, December 4, 2009

There Once Was A Man...

This is a businessman.

He will do anything necessary to protect the interest of his company. Some may not agree with his methods but that is of little or no importance to him because his methods got the necessary results. Whether it is verbally abusing the president of the major label that is backing your independent label or crashing a press conference between the heads of the companies responsible for your record companies distribution, marketing and promotion its all fair in business because your primary concern is your company; not how people feel about you. Business is a game of cutthroat with the number one rule being: “Do whatever you determine necessary to get ahead.”, so expect to be backstabbed.

It’s a real shame the way his situation with RocaFella ended but perhaps he forgot the number one rule in business.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bow Tie B (2 Yrs Old)

Everyone reaches a point and time in their life where they have to seriously ask themselves: who am I? I say if you can’t figure out who you are, look to who you were for clues.

I was a happy child.



Sunday, November 29, 2009

What Mean the World to You?

This is what happens when it takes you a week to go through your blog emails. Well at least the one's with attachments that you don't feel like opening on your blackberry; you miss out on good videos like this. I send much respect to everyone that worked on/ in this video for the presentation of the RockSmith Holiday 09 collection.
