Tuesday, August 12, 2008


There are so many people in the world that do things everyday that deserve recognition and will never get it. Why? They will never get that recognition because of people with ego's. People that can't show appreciation for what anyone else is doing but always want praise for what they are doing. Only when the person is retired or dead will they even mention that person. Where's the justification in that? If you knew that they were making major moves while they were alive why wait until they aren't doing it anymore or until they have passed away to praise them?
With that mind set I want to start acknowledging the fashionable people that are really making waves now that don't get the recognition that they should be getting. It will be called "Inspiration" because it has become clear to me now that these people inspire other people top buy the things they buy and wear the clothes that they wear. I have already done one female inspiration (Courtney) so stay tuned for the next "Inspiration" post.
