Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Christian Dior: Couture 09
Dior delivers there latest installment in the finest form of couture; ruffles. Ruffles, truffles, turn-ups and frills all adorn the beautifully constructed gowns. I have hand selected these three pieces because I fell like these are the best of the bunch. These are the standout pieces in the collection, the likely hood that they would actually be selected to be worn by someone with the funds and or star power is very low but they are delightful to look at. These dresses are reminiscent of elegant gowns that were worn during the Victorian era which just happens to be my personal favorite type of woman. Women were just different during that time period and these dresses take me back to that time. When designers create clothes they aim to do more than just fill a utilitarian purpose, they want to inspire people to do things with their lives, they want to make people feel good and when it comes to designers that create women's apparel they aim to make women feel like women; beautiful.