Sunday, May 25, 2008

TOKYO, London?

I took this picture about a week ago and I have been looking at it everyday in deep thought about how I really feel about it and I am finally ready to speak on it. This picture is exactly what I needed to see, this is a direct representation of the state of fashion in London. Its free spirited, in the sense that in London the trendy people wear what they want to wear the way that they want to wear it. In America its all about competition like "he has YSL so I have to either get YSL too or something bigger like LV" in London its like I'm going to wear this because I like it and I'm going to wear it the way I want to wear it because this is what I like. Now if you ask a New Yorker about why they wear the clothes that they wear they would tell you that thats what they like but in all actuality we live in a society in which we do things because other people are doing it. Even when we try to be different it is because we want to be the first to have something just so that we could say that we had it first. Of course there are some exceptions to this theory of mine but the majority rules. Hand claps to Miss Tokyo Diva and her "Juice Krew" for thinking Across The Pond especially when I know for a fact that there are people that do not so readily agree with the way she dresses such as high fashion connoisseurs. So thank you for sticking to what you like and doing your thing through the ridicule, this is just what I needed.
