Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Last Emperor: Valentino

The documentary about Valentino Garavani entitled The Last Emperor is soon to be released and is one movie that I will be picking up. The premier for the movie was held last month in Venice. The movie wasn't edited by Valentino so it's said to contain footage that shows him in all lights good, bad and ugly however all in all you still love him; sounds like a good movie.
In this documentary he was asked "of all the beautiful women that have worn your creations who is your favorite?" he responded by saying that there are too many actresses for him to try and remember them all but Julia Roberts really made him proud when she wore this dress above to receive the Emmy for Erin Brockovich.
An L&F favorite KL also made an appearance on the documentary. I'm not going to give the whole movie away but I will tell you that KL said: "Compared to you darling, the rest of us are making rags" in reference to Sir Valentino.
So stalk your local Best Buy and get the movie; I know I will.
