Friday, November 14, 2008
Award Tour: The Private Rebellion Collection

Ladies and gentlemen I proudly present to you the collection that you have all been waiting for and one that was well worth the wait; Award Tour. I find it simply amazing how the creative mind of Phil, better known to the world as Lochness, never seems to reach a limit as he puts together another thought provoking collection. The entire time Phil was telling me that I was going to love the collection and that it would be my style of dressing but now I see the day will come when I only wear Award Tour clothing. The most exciting part about the whole ordeal is the beautiful scenery which is the grounds of Princeton university, the set of the photo shoot and if your looking at the shots thinking to yourself that they are too good to be amateur thats because they aren't the camera man was Devin Christopher, a contributing photographer for the slam hype website Hypebeast. The models sprinkled throughout the look book should register as familiar faces to L&F readers, I'm sure by now you've seen all of the videos and know all of their names.
-side note-
Coolness P and SoHo B are always down for a photo shoot.