Wednesday, November 26, 2008

CNN: Michelle Obama

Personally I like this short report that CNN has done on Michelle Obama and I think that it is very appropriate and long over due. The only "stereo-types" that I think about are Bose and Yamaha. I say that because the idea of seriously considering a stereotype as a rational and reasonable way to view someone is ignorant and shows of a serious lack of education or information. The whole system of stereotyping came from a place that no one wants to willfully go back to; slavery. A time when the slaves with the farer skin were favored in order to create a sense of animosity towards them from those of a darker complexion and spread jealousy through the entire plantation, the idea was in order to keep them from uniting and over throwing the master instill these feelings in them and let it spread through their population so that even their children are affected this way they will be too busy fighting with each other to fight us. That was a time when ignorance triumphed and rationality and better judgement was tossed aside, we don't wish to return to those days America; do we? I promise you that the reciprocation of an attempt to re-instate that kind of thinking and behavior in this country will not be as well received as it's inception was. If you wish to be viewed as a professional, respectable, educated and valued member of society then I suggest that you carry yourself as just that and nothing less. Leave the stereotypes to the simpletons.
Beside every great man is a woman that made him better.
