Friday, June 13, 2008

The Elegant Kingdom

Bloomingdale's SoHo has a new theme in their window, they appear to be giving animals human traits or giving humans animal traits; either way I like it. Animals are the most elegant things in nature. Have you ever seen a peacock spread its wings and lift its head up? Its a thing of pure art. 
I think this is a good idea because it's different and if anyone else follows it's going to be obvious that they are mimicking Bloomindale's. It's refreshing to walk through SoHo and see good display windows like this. I always say that the movement of the human body is art and if you want to be a good designer then you have to understand the way that the human body moves but I often forget about the animal kingdom and how graceful animals are. Designers can learn a lot and really get inspired from just watching animals.
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